In the early hours of November 2, 2024, a high-speed pursuit unfolded as a male and female suspect fled from South Pasadena police after a routine vehicle violation. The chase, lasting approximately an hour and a half, began around 2 a.m. when the suspects evaded police in South Pasadena, initially circling the area before heading eastbound on the 10 Freeway. They continued their flight through multiple areas, eventually reaching the Morongo Casino exit in Cabazon near exit 104.
Upon reaching Cabazon, police used non-lethal beanbag rounds to subdue the suspects and safely end the standoff. Both individuals were taken into custody without further incident. Authorities identified the vehicle, a rental registered to Hertz out of San Francisco. This intense pursuit brought several law enforcement agencies together, and the successful arrest marked the end of a tense early-morning chase.