A dramatic series of events unfolded on the morning of October 3, 2024, when an SDPD Police vehicle equipped with a License Plate Reader (LPR) identified a stolen vehicle in the Mission Gorge area. The car, reported stolen just a day earlier, was spotted heading south on Fairmount Avenue with two male suspects inside.
As an officer pursued the vehicle, the suspects attempted to evade capture by driving into a business area near Mission Gorge, weaving through several streets. Despite their efforts to shake off law enforcement, the suspects returned to Mission Gorge Road and accelerated at high speed, ignoring multiple stop signs and traffic signals.
The reckless pursuit came to a crashing halt when the driver attempted to make a left turn and lost control of the vehicle, crashing it in front of a used car sales lot. Both suspects fled the scene on foot but did not get far. An officer managed to apprehend the driver after a brief foot chase, although he sustained an injury to his leg during the pursuit. Meanwhile, other officers quickly caught the passenger just a short distance away.
Emergency medical services responded to the scene, and both suspects were transported to a local hospital for treatment of injuries sustained in the crash. Upon examination, it was noted that both individuals appeared to be under the influence of narcotics. Additionally, it was discovered that both men had extensive criminal records and were currently on probation.
The incident highlights ongoing concerns about vehicle theft and the dangers of high-speed chases in urban areas. As investigations continue, authorities urge the community to remain vigilant and report any suspicious activity.