In the early hours of September 29, 2024, at approximately 12:08 AM, a devastating head-on collision occurred on Green Tree Boulevard, just east of Hesperia Road. Emergency responders from the Victorville Police Department and Fire Department rushed to the scene to find a Chevy Silverado pickup truck with significant front-end damage and a Toyota Corolla that had suffered extensive damage, leaving one individual trapped inside.
Fire crews promptly employed the jaws of life and specialized cutting tools to extricate the driver from the wreckage. While Mercy Air Ambulance was placed on standby, an AMR ambulance transported the Corolla’s driver to a nearby hospital, where CPR efforts were ongoing.
Tragically, the driver did not survive their injuries. The accident has prompted authorities to close Green Tree Boulevard between Hesperia Road and Ridgecrest Road as they continue to investigate the circumstances surrounding the crash.
The Victorville community mourns the loss and extends condolences to the family and friends affected by this tragic incident. Further updates will be provided as more information becomes available.