On September 9th, 2024, a devastating four-vehicle collision in Nuevo, California, tragically took the lives of five individuals, including two young children. The accident occurred around 2:22 p.m. at the intersection of Gilman Springs Road and Bridge Street, just west of Kennedy Hill Road. Authorities report that the crash was caused by a driver of a Honda Insight attempting an unsafe passing maneuver in a no-passing zone, leading to a head-on collision with oncoming traffic.
California Highway Patrol (CHP) Captain Gil Campa described the crash as a “horrific” event, emphasizing that it was entirely avoidable. The reckless attempt to pass slower-moving vehicles led to a chain-reaction accident involving a Dodge Durango pickup, a Chevrolet Bolt, and a BMW 528i. The crash sparked a fire that engulfed at least two vehicles, including the Honda, and spread to nearby grasslands. Firefighters quickly responded, but not before four acres of land were charred by the flames.
The Riverside County Fire Department extinguished the fire within an hour. Of the five fatalities, four individuals were pronounced dead at the scene, while the fifth victim succumbed to injuries shortly after arriving at Riverside University Medical Center in Moreno Valley. The identities of the victims are pending coroner confirmation. Additionally, two individuals were transported to a trauma center for treatment of minor to major injuries.
While drugs and alcohol were not considered factors in the crash, this tragic incident underscores ongoing safety concerns along Gilman Springs Road, a stretch known for numerous accidents. Despite previous safety improvements, including the installation of yellow plastic reflectors, collisions continue to occur on this heavily traveled route.
Authorities closed a five-mile stretch of Gilman Springs Road to conduct investigations and clear the wreckage, reopening the road early Tuesday morning. The investigation into the accident continues.