In the early hours of August 31, 2024, Phoenix Police responded to reports of a possible burglary or home invasion in progress at a residence near 11th Street and Fillmore Street. The incident began shortly after 4:00 AM when officers were alerted that the homeowner had fired shots at a burglary suspect, who subsequently fled the scene.
Police quickly established a perimeter around the area and surrounded the home to ensure public safety. Within minutes, the injured suspect emerged from an alleyway onto 11th Street. A perimeter officer, stationed at 11th Street and Pierce Street, spotted the suspect and apprehended him without further incident.
Phoenix Fire crews were dispatched to the scene and transported the suspect to a nearby trauma center. Fortunately, the suspect’s injuries are reported to be non-life-threatening.
Police and detectives are currently at the residence, interviewing the victims involved. No injuries to the victims have been reported. The investigation into the burglary and subsequent events is ongoing.