In a devastating turn of events, the Park Fire has wreaked havoc on the town of Cohasset and its surroundings, engulfing over 125,000 acres in a fierce blaze that has lasted for 36 hours. The fire, which broke out on July 26 at 12 PM, has left a trail of destruction, with dozens of homes reduced to ashes and only a few surviving the inferno that swept through the town earlier this afternoon.
Thousands of firefighters and resources have been deployed to combat the relentless fire as it continues its powerful advance to the east. The southern side of the fire, near Highway 32, saw intense efforts from firefighters who spent hours defending and protecting homes. Despite their valiant attempts, the fire managed to jump the highway several times, resulting in some structure losses. However, the majority of homes were saved, with firefighters arriving just in time to prevent further devastation.
As the fire pushed eastward, it reached a dense, uninhabited forest, creating a frighteningly active head of the fire. Efforts to access this area were thwarted by extreme fire behavior, with unsurvivable heat and zero visibility conditions making it impossible to proceed. Video footage captured the terrifying scene, showing the sheer intensity of the blaze.
The cause of the fire has been confirmed as arson. A suspect was arrested for allegedly setting a car on fire and pushing it into a gulch, sparking the destructive and uncontrollable blaze. This act of arson has led to significant loss and disruption, with the community reeling from the aftermath.
Among the most harrowing scenes was a large house fully engulfed in flames and collapsing. Firefighters worked tirelessly to save several vehicles parked in the driveway, heavily impacted by the intense heat. A propane tank was seen venting from the heat and pressure as firefighters continued their efforts.
As the fire continues to burn, the full extent of the damage is yet to be determined. Firefighters remain on the scene, battling the blaze and protecting what remains of the town. Further details are awaited as the situation unfolds.