The Park Fire in Chico has exhibited severe fire behavior throughout the night, scorching 45,549 acres in just 12 hours. The official fire size was confirmed at 3:06 AM this morning.
The fire has wreaked havoc in the area, destroying multiple homes, including several mansions. The situation was exacerbated by the explosion of propane tanks and ammunition within the affected structures, creating additional hazards. The sound of these explosions and the sight of trees collapsing across roads have further complicated access to affected areas.
Cohasset Rd has been the epicenter of some of the most intense fire activity. Firefighters have faced significant challenges accessing the town of Cohasset, but last night they managed to rescue trapped residents and escort them out of the danger zone. Despite these efforts, many structures on the fire’s western flank, which are nestled within a canyon, continue to be engulfed by extreme fire behavior.
The fire, which began on Wednesday afternoon around 3 PM, rapidly expanded due to extreme heat and strong winds, reaching 1,500 acres within hours. The fire’s growth has been so rapid that it has started creating its own weather conditions. Powerful winds have pushed the blaze in all directions, making it highly unpredictable.
By the time the fire reached 6,500 acres, Incident Command requested 30 strike teams and additional resources, which are continuously arriving. Dozer trailers and other equipment are being deployed to contain the blaze. However, the fire’s ability to spot up to a mile ahead has made it difficult to assess the fire edge accurately, increasing the risk of entrapment for both residents and firefighting crews.
The situation remains dire, with poor visibility and extreme heat impeding access to some communities. Further updates will be provided as more information becomes available.