In a heartbreaking turn of events, a 5-year-old boy, Jacob Ramirez, who was critically injured in a bicycle accident involving his family and a suspected DUI driver, has been declared brain dead. The accident occurred on Sunday evening, July 7, in Garden Grove.
Jacob and his family were struck by a vehicle while on a bike ride. The driver, identified as 29-year-old Ceferino Ascencion Ramos of Santa Ana, allegedly hit the family and fled the scene. Ramos has been charged with multiple felonies, including hit-and-run with permanent and serious injury, failing to stop at a hit-and-run accident with injury, and driving under the influence of alcohol causing injury.
The family’s mother, Angela Hernandez Mejia, shared her grief with NBC4, stating, “Right now, I just have 24 hours I begged them for to just spend as much time as I can with him.” Angela and her 8-month-old daughter, who were also injured, have since been released from the hospital. Her husband and their 6-year-old daughter, Gianna, remain hospitalized.
Angela expressed her devastation, revealing that a final brain scan showed no activity for Jacob. “It’s just so hard,” she said. “Now, I just think what could I have done different. I would have even given my life for my son.”
A GoFundMe page set up to support the family has raised over $52,000 as of Friday morning. The page can be accessed at GoFundMe.
The incident occurred at around 7:35 p.m. on Haster Street at Twin Tree Lane. The Garden Grove Police Department reported that two adults were riding with the children in bike trailers when they were struck by a black 2003 Toyota Camry. A witness followed the suspect’s vehicle and notified officers, leading to Ramos’s arrest about 1.2 miles from the collision site.
Police stated that the father, 27, and the two children were rushed to hospitals in critical condition.
The criminal complaint against Ramos alleges that he drove from Santa Ana to a liquor store in Anaheim to buy more beer and had a blood-alcohol level of .22. Ramos did not enter a plea at his arraignment on Tuesday and is scheduled for arraignment on July 25 at the West Justice Center in Westminster.
This tragic incident has left a community mourning and rallying to support the Ramirez family during this incredibly difficult time.