In the early hours of June 16, 2024, a distressing incident unfolded at Point Fermin Park in San Pedro. Firefighters responded to reports of two individuals who had fallen down a cliff, prompting a swift and coordinated rescue operation.
Upon arrival, rescue teams discovered a female approximately 50 feet down the cliffside. Using specialized rescue equipment, Urban Search and Rescue specialists successfully retrieved her using a rescue rope system. The woman received immediate evaluation and care at the scene.
Tragically, a second individual was found at the base of the cliff and was pronounced deceased by emergency responders. Firefighters conducted a retrieval operation to bring the deceased person up from the bottom of the cliff.
The details surrounding the incident remain under investigation by the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD). At this time, no further information has been released regarding the circumstances leading to the fall.
This incident serves as a poignant reminder of the risks associated with the picturesque yet rugged terrain of Point Fermin Park. Authorities continue to urge visitors to exercise caution when exploring natural landscapes, particularly areas with steep cliffs.
The community mourns the loss of one individual while expressing gratitude for the swift response and efforts of the rescue teams involved in saving the other.